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What are the benefits of colostrum capsules ?

What are the benefits of colostrum capsules ?

Colostrum is a nutrient-dense, milky fluid that is first released from the breast of a mammal after giving birth. The milky fluid released prior to breast milk production is an important source of nutrients to promote infant growth. It contains immune enhancing-antibodies along with other important immune factors and essential growth factors to ensure health and vitality for newborns.

All mammals produce colostrum, but supplements usually are made from the colostrum of cows – known as bovine colostrum. Like human colostrum, bovine colostrum is similarly rich in vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, proteins, growth hormones and digestive enzymes. It is more nutritious than regular milk.

So, what are the potential health benefits from supplementation?

  • Enhance immunity

Research suggests that bovine colostrum can help to strengthen the immune system. It has a high concentration of protein immunoglobulins – antibodies that fight viruses and bacteria.

Studies have shown colostrum supplements to be effective in boosting the immunity in athletes…

One small study of adult distance runners found that taking a daily bovine colostrum supplement increased the amount of saliva IgA antibodies by 79% compared to baseline levels. It is suggested this may strengthen the immunity to upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) [1].

A small study of male road cyclists showed a prevention of decreased immune cells postexercise, and a reduced risk of URTI symptoms after 5 weeks of daily bovine colostrum [2].

Another small study linked supplementation with bovine colostrum to enhanced immune response [3].

What are the benefits of colostrum capsules ? 
  • Improve gut health

More than half of your immune system is found in the gut. Evidence suggests that bovine colostrum may support healthy digestion and treat some gastrointestinal disorders and infections, including inflammatory bowel disease – Ulcerative colitis & Crohn’s disease, diarrhoea and leaky gut syndrome, with positive results being observed in both human and animal studies [4].

The main research so far on bovine colostrum is surrounding gut health and the immune system, with recommendations for larger and longer trials to solidify the beneficial findings.

As with any new supplement it is always advised to discuss with a doctor or health care professional to ensure it is safe for you to take and if your health could benefit.


What are the benefits of colostrum capsules ?





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