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Our Best Supplements for Increasing Nitric Oxide

Our Best Supplements for Increasing Nitric Oxide

First of all, what does Nitric Oxide do for the body?

Produced by our cells, Nitric Oxide (NO) is a colourless gas that is important for blood vessel health. As a vasodilator, it relaxes the inner walls of the blood vessels, causing them to widen and increase blood flow. It is important for overall health as it allows the transportation of nutrients and oxygen to where it is needed in the body, making it more effective and efficient. According to science some of the benefits of improving nitric oxide are better heart health, lower blood pressure and enhanced exercise performance and recovery.

So what supplements may be helpful for boosting nitric oxide levels?

Antioxidants – Nitric Oxide is an unstable molecule that degrades quickly within the bloodstream, and so it must be constantly replenished. Antioxidants neutralise free radicals which may contribute to shortening the life of Nitric Oxide. Antioxidants help to decrease the breakdown and extend the life of nitric oxide in your body. Some important antioxidants are Vitamin C and polyphenols.

Pycnogenol®  an antioxidant plant extract originating from the bark of the French Maritime Pine tree and has been shown to increase or maintain nitric oxide levels. Several studies have been conducted into Pycnogenol® and sports performance. They have found it to be effective for enhancing and prolonging muscle performance during sport, supporting muscle adaptation to higher work-load and allowing faster physical recovery. It helps individuals by enhancing healthy nitric oxide (NO) production which leads to an increase in blood flow and delivers more nutrients and oxygen to the muscles.

N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine – a form of the sulphur containing amino acid Cysteine. NAC acts as an antioxidant and glutathione precursor. Studies have shown that it is a successful nitric oxide booster, by increasing nitric oxide production.

GarlicStudies show that garlic can boost nitric oxide levels by activating nitric oxide synthase. This is the enzyme that aids in the conversion of nitric oxide from the amino acid L-arginine.

Ginkgo Biloba – Ginkgo contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids which are antioxidant compounds. A tree native to China, Ginkgo Biloba is a popular Chinese medicine commonly recommended for memory and brain function. Studies have found that Gingko has an ability to dilate blood vessels and increase circulation by boosting blood levels of nitric oxide.

Co-Enzyme Q10 - Co enzyme Q10 is a compound that is believed to help preserve nitric oxide in the body. It is a powerful antioxidant, and can be found in meat, poultry and seafood, so these are very good sources from our diets. As we age our tissue levels of Co-Enzyme Q10 decreases, and our bodies’ ability to produce the substance declines, so for some people, particularly those that don’t eat meat or fish, a supplement can be a welcome addition. Studies have shown that CoQ10 has the potential to lower blood pressure in the treatment of hypertension.

Omega 3 – Omega 3 is present in krill Oil and cod liver oil supplements, or for a vegan alternative Hellenia flaxseed oil is a suitable option. All of these are available as easy to swallow softgels. Studies have shown that fish oil increases nitric oxide production.

For maintaining good overall health Nitric Oxide is a vital requirement in the body. As a vasodilator it allows blood, nutrients and oxygen to flow freely through the body to every part where they are needed. To produce and maintain optimal levels of Nitric Oxide is important. Natural ways to improve your body’s production of Nitric oxide are through regular exercise, and a high intake of nitrate-rich vegetables and antioxidants in our diets. Supplements can also prove beneficial in this quest.

To browse our catalogue of supplements, or for further product information visit www.hellenia.co.uk









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